Page 48 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 48


                yourselves, recounting My Signs to you, those who guard
                against evil and put things right, will feel no fear and will
                know no sorrow. (Surat al-A‘raf, 35)
                In spite of all the distress and difficulty they encounter, believ-
            ers recommend the morality commanded by Allah to others with
            g reat determination, while the pre s s u res over them never impede

            that determination in the least. This trait is directly related to the
            faith they possess. One without faith cannot remain determined
            when subjected to slander, harassment, or is unjustly mistre a t e d .
            Those who do not possess genuine faith lose any sense of determi-
            nation when faced with the slightest difficulty, abandoning their be-
            liefs and principles.
                The measure of the sincerity of a Muslim is the determination

            he shows when faced with difficulties. One without sincere faith
            does not accept social re s p o n s i b i l i t y, for he knows that he may be
            faced with such difficulties, as have befell the prophets and their
            pious followers before. But, the behavior of those who accept the re-
            sponsibility of promulgating the morality of the Qur'an, guiding
            others towards good and keeping them from evil, even when it be-
            comes difficult, is admirable and truly worthy of praise. While the
            g reat majority of people are devoted to their own businesses and
            other worldly affairs, engaging themselves in an ideological battle

            for the sake of Allah, and accepting the large number of difficulties
            which it entails, is highly noble behavior.
                M o re o v e r, for a true believer, all this is not a problem, but a
            g reat blessing. Because, as pointed out earlier, similar trials befell
            the prophets. A number of prophets were subjected to slander, suf-
            f e red oppression, were threatened with violence and death and

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