Page 51 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 51
B ecause of their faith, believers behave with great de-
votion and courage, at times when others would be
unable to do the same. For example, even when unbe-
lievers scheme to ensnare them, or threaten them with physical vi-
olence, the faithful, who attract attention with their sense of
determination, bravery, and decisiveness, never behave as the un-
believers want, because they are certain that what they are doing is
right, and they never deviate from their faith or from the morality
of the Qur'an.
The unbelievers want to make the faithful abandon their efforts in
p reaching the superior morality. As will be explained with several ex-
amples in the coming pages, the Qur'an informs us that unbelievers
have behaved like this throughout history.
The faithful are aware that unbelievers continually plot to trap
them. Indeed, it is the Qu'ran that informs them of this. The purpose of
these snares is to cause the faithful material and psychological harm.
But, in spite of everything, as Allah has promised, the faithful re m a i n
upright and honorable, and engage themselves courageously in a bat-
tle of ideas against them. This is a command of Allah's: