Page 53 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 53

Examples of Courage Among the Prophets and Sincere Believers

             is mentioned in it, you see those with sickness in their
             hearts looking at you with the look of someone about to
             faint from fear of death... (Surah Muhammad, 20)
             As can be discerned from the above verse, cowardice is one of
        the most pronounced characteristics of hypocrites. In another verse,
        we are told:

             When you see them, their outward form appeals to you,
             and if they speak you listen to what they say. But they are
             like propped-up planks of wood. They imagine every cry to
             be against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them.
             Allah  fight  them!  How  they  are  perverted!  (Surat  al-
             Munafiqun, 4)
             When the order arrived, the hypocrites, who claimed that they

        w e re Muslims, who until then had vouched that they would fight,
        tried to act as if it was not they who had said such things. They did
        not keep their promises. Allah declared the following on the matter:
             … More fitting for them would be obedience and honor-
             able words. Once the matter is resolved upon, being true to
             Allah would be better for them. (Surah Muhammad, 20-21)
             They were afraid to fight because they did not have a sure faith
        in Allah and the Hereafter, and therefore, failed to show the courage
        typical of true believers. When the sincere Muslims heard these

        verses, their determination increased. To emphasize this sentiment
        in the faithful, Allah tells us in one verse: "… Some of them have
        fulfilled their pact by death and some are still waiting to do so, not
        having changed in any way at all." (Surat al-Ahzab, 23) Those who
        w e re of sincere faith resigned themselves to such severe tests, be-
        cause courage is a characteristic of the believer. And, is not some-

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