Page 57 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 57

Examples of Courage Among the Prophets and Sincere Believers

        anyone who denounced their idols, were angered by and wanted to
        punish him:
             They came rushing back to him. He said, "Do you worship
             something you have carved when Allah created both you
             and what you do?" They said, "Build a pyre for him and
             fling him into the blaze!" They tried to outwit him but W e

             made them the lowest. He said, "I am going towards my
             Lord; He will be my guide." (Surat as-Saffat, 94-99)
             In spite of their rage, Prophet Ibrahim (as) continued to speak of
        the existence and unity of Allah, carrying out his duty with courage.
        Knowing that all people, including the tribe who were so violently
        opposing him, are under the control of Allah, he behaved stead-
        f a s t l y, showing his boundless trust in our Lord. The leaders of the

        tribe wanted to throw him into a fire, but Allah saved him by a mir-
        acle. This is a proof of Allah's promise of help to all believers who
        battle fearlessly on His path.
             In other verses of the Qur'an, Prophet Ibrahim's (as) show of de-
        votion to Allah, and the courage he demonstrated, are held up as ex-
        amples of the behavior for believers to aspire to:
             His people argued with him. He said, "Are you arguing
             with me about Allah when He has guided me? I have no
             fear of any partner you ascribe to Him unless my Lord

             should will such a thing to happen. My Lord encompasses
             all things in His knowledge so will you not pay heed?
             Why should I fear what you have associated with Him
             when you yourselves apparently have no fear of associat-
             ing partners with Allah for which He has sent down no au -
             thority to you? Which of the two parties is more entitled to

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