Page 61 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 61
Examples of Courage Among the Prophets and Sincere Believers
him from Pharaoh:
And when the two hosts came into sight of one another
Musa's companions said, "We will surely be overtaken!" He
said, "Never! My Lord is with me and He will guide me." So
We revealed to Musa," Strike the sea with your staff." And
it split in two, each part like a towering cliff. And We
brought the others right up to it.
We rescued Musa and all those who were with him. Then
We drowned the rest. There is certainly a Sign in that yet
most of them are not believers.
Truly your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful. (Surat
ash-Shu‘ara', 61-68)
Prophet Sulayman (as)
Prophet Sulayman (as) was one of the bravest and most deter-
mined of prophets in spreading the supreme morality. Allah be-
stowed on him a great kingdom. He devoted himself
wholeheartedly to encouraging morality among his people, and de-
veloping methods for that purpose that were unprecedented. His
courage deeply affected a number of communities, and his wisdom,
understanding and determination aroused the wonder of other
tribes. In sending word to the Queen of Sheba, who had large armies
arrayed against him, he used a very insightful method to bring her
and her tribe into the faith:
She said, “Council! Anoble letter has been delivered to me.
It is from Sulayman and says: ‘In the name of Allah, All-
Merciful, Most Merciful. Do not rise up against me, but
come to me in submission.’”