Page 64 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 64


                The quality of morality we see in Prophet Nuh (as) is that of a be-
            liever who does not fear the condemnation of his accusers, but instead
            fears only the loss of the favor of Allah, to whom he surrenders himself
            e n t i re l y. In this manner, Prophet Nuh (as) set an important example for
            all Muslims who came after him.
                While suffering all the mockery and cruelty met out by his peo-

            ple, Prophet Nuh (as) nevertheless carried out the instructions of our
            L o rd and maintained a sure faith in Allah's promise of help:
                Build the Ark under Our supervision and as We reveal and
                do not address Me concerning the wrongdoers. They shall be
                drowned. He began to build the Ark and every time some no-
                bles of his people passed him by, they ridiculed him. He said,
                "Though you ridicule us now, we will certainly ridicule you

                as you do us. You will soon know who will receive a punish-
                ment which disgraces him and find unleashed against him-
                self an everlasting punishment." (Surah Hud, 37-39)
                After Prophet Nuh's (as) long struggle, Allah punished the people
            who rejected him, by drowning all those who mocked, ill-treated and
            menaced him. Prophet Nuh (as), however, was saved along with those
            who were faithful. The story of Prophet Nuh (as) is an example show-
            ing us that Allah will not allow the deeds of those who battle with
            courage and determination on His path to go unre w a rded. It is to

            show that, through their patience, they will attain success in this world
            and the next, and that He will surely exercise His revenge on those
            who try to impede or suppress them.

                M a r y a m
                In the Qur'an, Maryam is described as an upright, patient, sincere

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