Page 65 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 65
Examples of Courage Among the Prophets and Sincere Believers
and faithful believer, who did not fear the condemnation of her accus-
ers. Allah chose Maryam and educated her miraculously. Maryam was
superior through her closeness to Allah, and her moral excellence:
Her Lord accepted her with approval and made her grow in
health and beauty. And Zakariyya became her guardian.
Every time Zakariyya visited her in the sanctuary, he found
food with her. He said, "Maryam, how did you come by
this?" She said, "It is from Allah. Allah provides for who-
ever He wills without any reckoning." (Surah Al ‘Imran, 37)
Despite being subjected to unjust slander, Maryam, who was
miraculously made pregnant by Allah with Prophet 'Isa (as), did not
deviate from Allah's commandments, carrying out everything He in-
s t ructed her to do to the letter.
Maryam was truly a chaste woman, and a devout believer in
Allah. That her people considered her as having committed an im-
moral deed, despite her known moral excellence, was truly a test fro m
Allah. From her youth on, Allah had always helped her, and thro u g h-
out her life, turned every deed of her to good. Maryam never forg o t
that all things are under Allah's control, and maintained a strong faith
that Allah would exonerate her from all such false accusations.
Indeed, Allah helped her in this task too, and told her to keep
silent. When her people attempted to talk to her, Allah instructed her
to remain silent, and only show 'Isa (as) to those who slandered her.
This way, Allah helped Maryam and saved her from having to offer a
d i fficult explanation. As relief, Allah made 'Isa (as) instead offer the
explanation that was expected from her. Due to this miracle, the plot
hatched against Maryam was thwarted. This is related in the Qur'an
as follows: