Page 67 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 67
Examples of Courage Among the Prophets and Sincere Believers
away from the morality that is upright. Prophet Lut (as) noted that the
most prominent characteristic which made his tribe diff e rent from oth-
ers was that they had given themselves up to gross sexual perversion.
Those who did not listen to Prophet Lut's (as) message when he in-
vited these people to behave morally, decided that the way to be rid of
him and his preaching was to expel him from the city. However, the
perverted people were not aware of how close they were to immanent
d a n g e r. Allah sent angels to Prophet Lut (as) to give him the good
news that the tribe's end was at hand:
And Lut, when he said to his people, "Do you commit an ob-
scenity not perpetrated before you by anyone in all the
w o r l d s ?
You come with lust to men instead of women. You are indeed
a depraved people."
The only answer of his people was to say, "Expel them from
your city! They are people who keep themselves pure!"
(Surat al-A‘raf, 80-82)
They said, "Lut, we are messengers from your Lord. They
will not be able to get at you. Set out with your family—ex -
cept for your wife—in the middle of the night and none of
you should look back. What strikes them will strike her as
well. Their promised appointment is the morning. Is the
morning not close at hand?" (Surah Hud, 81)
As may be discerned from these verses, Prophet Lut (as) be-
lieved in Allah, and warned the tribe, but in response, he was threat-
ened with banishment. However, this in no way frightened him, for
he knew that Allah's help was close at hand.
The leaders of Prophet Shu‘ayb's (as) tribe were involved in all