Page 47 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 47

How Is Courage Achieved?

        a consequence has fortitude and is brave. He is courageous at all
        times, no matter what happens to him. Even great adversities do not
        make him lose his courage. He knows that everything is under
        Allah's control, that nothing occurs without Allah's willing it, and
        that He has created everything for his good. Even if death finds him,
        he remains devout, because, as a believer, he knows he will meet

        Allah in the Hereafter.
             Knowing that everything is under Allah's control provides one
        who surrenders himself wholly to the fate which He has created for
        him with a strong faith, and with that faith, a strong character. To
        that end, one needs to be close to Allah, to recognize the ultimate
        good in all things, not to give in to despondence or sorro w, to be
        aware that Allah is the Creator of all things in the universe, that not

        even a leaf can fall without His willing it, that He governs all hearts
        and souls, and that there is no power or will other than His.
             A person who knows that everything which takes place does so
        with Allah's approval, and by His will, and submits himself to Allah,
        is naturally brave. Because, there is nothing for him to fear or be
        nervous or worry about. Everything is brought about by Allah, and
        He maintains all things under His control. There is nothing at all for
        one who adopts Him as his friend and guardian to be nervous about
        or fear, because Allah is the Protector of the faithful. Allah tells us the

        following in the Qur'an:
             Not so! All who submit themselves completely to Allah
             and are good-doers will find their reward with their Lord.
             They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-
             Baqara, 112)
             Children of Adam! If messengers come to you from among

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