Page 49 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 49
Those who renounce the call of the believers, and are de-
ceived by Satan's incitements, will face utter disappointment
in the Hereafter. Satan, whom they pursue, will abandon
them. The condition of those who follow Satan is related in
the Qur'an as follows:
When the affair is decided Satan will say, "Allah made
you a promise, a promise of truth, and I made you a
promise but broke my promise. I had no authority
over you, except that I called you and you responded
to me. Do not, therefore, blame me but blame your-
selves. I cannot come to your aid nor you to mine. I re-
ject the way you associated me with Allah before."
The wrongdoers will have a painful punishment.
(Surah Ibrahim, 22)
As part of the test of this world, every man was made vul-
nerable to whispers of Satan, while, on the other hand, he is
also summoned to Allah's path by believers. In the end, the
decision rests with the person himself. One has to remember
that this decision will determine the way he will lead his life
in the world to come. Those who follow Satan will be the
people of Hell, whereas those who obey the good word will
be rewarded with eternal Paradise. Giving due consideration
and complying to the good word, is each person's individual
… Such people call you to the Fire whereas Allah calls
you, with His permission, to Paradise and forgive-
ness. He makes His Signs clear to people so that hope-
fully they will pay heed. (Surat al-Baqara, 221)
Complying with the Good Word 47