Page 53 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 53
Allah misguides the wrongdoers. Allah does what-
ever He wills. (Surah Ibrahim, 24-27)
As these verses relate, one who says the good word, and
is compliant with it, will attain to great blessings, both in this
world and in the world to come. However, both those whose
words are corrupt, and those who adhere to them, are on the
threshold of doom, leading ultimately to Hell. For this rea-
son, what is incumbent upon believers is that they follow the
good word, and strive to attain the abode of Paradise, with
the blessings that ensue from such morality.
Satan Aims to Impede People From Speaking
the Good Word to one Another
It is Satan who seeks to corrupt a great majority of hu-
manity into not speaking the good word nor to follow it. The
Qur'an informs us that, in this way, Satan aims to make peo-
ple enemies of one another:
Say to My servants that they should only say the best.
Satan wants to stir up trouble between them. Satan is
an outright enemy to man. (Surat al-Isra´, 53)
Satan rebelled against Allah and, out of arrogance, re-
fused to prostrate before the Prophet Adam (as). He then
swore to mislead humanity, whom he despised, from the
straight path. For this reason, Allah informs us, in many
verses of the Qur'an, that Satan makes a concerted effort to
hinder people from the straight path, and that he exercises
his influence over a great majority of them, except the believ-
ers. His ruse of making the life of this world appealing to
people, his planting vain desires and deviance in their hearts,
and his leading them into immorality, such as pride, jealousy,
Speaking the Good Word 51