Page 58 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 58
This is clear insight for mankind and guidance and
mercy for people with certainty. Or do those who per-
petrate evil deeds suppose that We will make them
like those who have faith and do right actions, so that
their lives and deaths will be the same? How bad their
judgement is! (Surat al-Jathiyya, 20-21)
Surely, it is effectively impossible to lead a good life in so-
cieties composed of such people. In several verses, Allah
warns of great impending punishment those nations who
have not heeded the warnings, but turned away from the
good word, and refused to follow that which is pleasing to
Him. Examples of these verses are as follows:
"Our people, respond to Allah's caller and believe in
Him. He will forgive you some of your wrong actions
and save you from a painful punishment. Those who
do not respond to Allah's caller cannot thwart Allah
on earth and have no protectors apart from Him. Such
people are clearly misguided." (Surat al-Ahqaf, 31-32)
When Our Signs are recited to such a person, he turns
away arrogantly as if he had not heard, as if there was
a great weight in his ears. So give him news of a
painful punishment. (Surah Luqman, 7)
The great majority of those who do not answer the call
made to them in this world, but insist on remaining in denial,
will only comprehend the significance of that call when they
are confronted with the Day of Judgment, when they will re-
gret not having followed the good word in the life of the
world. Clearly, however, it will then be of no avail to them;
this reality is related in a verse as follows:
What are they awaiting but for the Hour to come upon