Page 60 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 60
their personal whims and vain desires, and, thus, simply re-
fuse to listen to Allah's verses. Indeed, the latter part of the
above verse informs us of the ultimate regret to be felt by
those who do not follow the good word, despite their know-
ing the truth:
The Day when a wrongdoer will bite his hands and
say, "Alas for me! If only I had gone the way of the
"Alas for me! If only I had not taken so-and-so for a
"He led me astray from the Reminder after it came to
me." Satan always leaves man in the lurch. (Surat al-
Furqan, 27-29)
For those who had been caused great regret with the ap-
pearance of the angels of death, what is related in the above
verse is only the beginning. Throughout their lives, they had
preferred their own whims and desires, friends, possessions,
business, careers and prestige over Allah's good pleasure,
and never obeyed the summoning of the believers. On the
Day of Judgment, however, they will be held accountable for
everything they had selected over Allah's good pleasure:
They will be told, "Call on your partner-gods!" They
will call on them but they will not respond to them.
They will see the punishment. Oh if only they had
been guided!
On the Day when He summons them He will say,
"How did you respond to the Messengers?"
That Day the facts will be unclear to them and they
will not be able to question one another. (Surat al-
Qasas, 64-66)