Page 63 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 63

Those who do not follow what they are invited to in this
            world, and persist in denial, will be taken from one form of
            punishment to another. Aside from the unbearable pain they
            suffer physically, seeing in Paradise those believers who had
            summoned them to the religion, benefiting from its eternal
            blessings, adds to their regret. Their distress reaches such di-
            mensions that they would choose to be annihilated. But, this
            wish is not granted:
               The evildoers will remain timelessly, for ever, in the
               punishment of Hell. It will not be eased for them.
               They will be crushed there by despair. We have not
               wronged them; it was they who were wrongdoers.
               They will call out [addressing the keeper of Hell],
               "Malik! Let your Lord put an end to us!" He will say,
               "You will stay the way you are." We brought you the
               truth but most of you hated the truth. (Surat az-
               Zukhruf, 74-78)
               When they are flung into a narrow place in it, shack-
               led together in chains, they will cry out there for de-
               struction. [They will be told] "Do not cry out today for
               just one destruction, cry out for many destructions!"
               (Surat al-Furqan, 13-14)
               We have to remember that each reminder, each warning
            and notice given comes actually from Allah. Allah summons
            people to His religion through His messengers and faithful
            servants. Again, through the believers, He enjoins what is
            right and forbids what is wrong, and through the Book He
            sent down to mankind, He grants them the criterion to dis-
            tinguish between right and wrong. If they fail to obey this
            summons, the moment they meet death will be too late to

                   The Fate of Those Who Do Not Follow the Good Word  61
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