Page 68 - The Importance of Following the Good Word
P. 68

great reward, granted by Allah to those who act conscien-
            tiously, and follow the good word.

               Eternal Life in Paradise
               The believers, who throughout their lives expend effort so
            as to be deserving of Paradise, observe Allah's limits, and ad-
            here to the Qur'an. In Paradise, they will be conferred with
            countless blessings, such as no eye had ever seen, no ear ever
            heard. (For further reference, please see, Paradise: The Believers'
            Real Home by Harun Yahya) For the rest of eternity, they will
            have whatever they wish:
               ... They will have whatever they wish for with their
               Lord... (Surah ash-Shura, 22)
               But those who heed their Lord will have Gardens with
               rivers flowing under them, remaining in them time-
               lessly, for ever: hospitality from Allah. What is with
               Allah is better for those who are truly good. (Surah Al
               `Imran, 198)
               What is the Garden promised to those who guard
               against evil like? It has rivers flowing under it and its
               foodstuffs and cool shade never fail. That is the final
               fate of those who guard against evil. But the final fate of
               the disbelievers is the Fire. (Surat ar-Ra`d, 35)
               As the verse,  "… And Allah's good pleasure is even
            greater. That is the great victory." (Surat at-Tawba, 72) main-
            tains, the greatest spiritual pleasure enjoyed by believers who
            will have attained Paradise is Allah's good pleasure. Knowing
            that Allah is pleased with them, that He loves them, and that
            they will remain His friend for all eternity, is their greatest hap-
            piness. Attainment of Allah's good pleasure is a form of bliss in-

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