Page 12 - The Pains of the False World
P. 12


                  As revealed by our Prophet (saas), the blessings in this
              world are merely miniscule manifestations of the blessings of
              Paradise. No matter how attractive, impressive and perma-
              nent the blessings of the life of this world may appear, we
              must never forget this important truth which lies behind
              every single one of them. One must know that becoming ca-
              ught up in the false adornments of this world—which itself is
              but a mere deception—will lead to disappointment in this

              world and a horrible fate in the next. At all times, one must
              act in accordance with that knowledge.
                  Allah has promised that He will give "a good life" to tho-
              se who seek the Here a f t e r. There, they will experience the
              true life promised to them in the Qur'an. (Surat an-Nahl, 97)
              On the other hand, there is a "dark and narrow life" for peop-
              le in the life of this world:
                  [Allah said:] "But if anyone turns away from My remin -
                  d e r, his life will be a dark and narrow one and on the
                  Day of Resurrection We will gather him blind." (Surah
                  Ta Ha, 124)

                  Believers are aware of these truths revealed in the Qur'an.
              They know that all that they experience within this world is
              part of a test set for them by the Lord of the Worlds. For that
              reason, they feel no great passion for the blessings of this
              world, which at first glance appear to be so attractive. They
              instead spend their whole lives in such a way as to attain the
              H e reafter promised to them. They view Allah's approval as
              their aim and attach only such value to the life of this world
              as necessary. Their lives there f o re pass pleasantly and their

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