Page 14 - The Pains of the False World
P. 14
Reason is the most important distinguishing feature bet-
ween believers and unbelievers. Reason, an intellectual gift
from Allah, is a characteristic of servants who believe in Him.
It develops in proportion to an individual's faith and fear of
and submission to Him. Fear of Allah and sincere faith en-
dow the individual with an understanding which allows him
or her to act in accordance with the good pleasure of Allah at
every moment of his or her life. Using their conscience, such
people choose to behave in the manner most compatible with
the Qur'an, as a result of which they acquire a high standard
of behavior which prevails throughout their lives. Allah has
revealed this mercy on believers in the Qur'an:
You who believe! If you fear [and respect] Allah, He will
give you discrimination and erase your bad actions from
you and forgive you. Allah's favor is indeed immense.
(Surat al-Anfal, 29)
On the other hand, no matter how clever an unbeliever
may be, so long as he lacks faith, he can never possess the re-
ason with which to correctly comprehend the nature of the
world in which he lives, nor what he needs to do as a conse-
quence. That is because reason is a very different thing to in-