Page 20 - The Pains of the False World
P. 20
That being the case, to ignore this reality and to become
e m b roiled in transient blessings of this world, and then to suf-
fer the inevitable turmoil, would be an error of the most gri-
evous nature. Believers know that the blessings of this world
a re a gift from Allah and must be used as means with which to
attain His approval. In return for this godly approach, A l l a h
makes everything that believers do auspicious and re w a rd s
them with eternal Paradise in the life of the Here a f t e r.
Those who make do with this world and who are unable
to see its true face make little or no effort to attain the Afterli-
fe. Since they imagine the world they live in to be real, they
unwisely make all their plans with it in mind. Although Allah
sometimes bestows blessings on them in the light of His wis-
dom, a severe loss still awaits them in the Afterlife, where
they will experience their real lives. Allah has revealed the si-
tuation of these people, in the life of this world and that of the
Hereafter, in the Qur'an:
If anyone desires to cultivate the Hereafter, We will inc -
rease him in his cultivation. If anyone desires to cultiva -
te this world, We will give him some of it but he will ha -
ve no share in the Hereafter. (Surat ash-Shura, 20)
... Say: "Enjoy your unbelief for a little while. You are
among the Companions of the Fire." (Surat az-Zumar, 8)
No indeed! We have given these people enjoyment, as
We did their fathers, until life seemed long and good to
them. Do they not see how We come to the land eroding
it from its extremities? Or are they the victors? (Surat al-
Anbiya', 44)