Page 25 - The Pains of the False World
P. 25

                              YOU ARE LIVING IN A FALSE WORLD?

                  In another verse, Allah has revealed that in Paradise beli-
              evers will find everything their hearts desire:
                  The angels descend on those who say, "Our Lord is
                  Allah," and then go straight: "Do not fear and do not gri -
                  eve but rejoice in the Garden you have been promised.
                  We are your protectors in the life of this world and the
                  Hereafter. You will have there all that your selves could
                  wish for. You will have there everything you demand."
                  (Surah Fussilat, 30-31)

                  Since unbelievers do not believe in the existence of the
              Hereafter, they vainly try to fulfill this aspect of their desires
              from the life of this world. They wrongly think that the more
              blessings of this world they can acquire, the happier they will
              be. There f o re, as revealed in the verse, "Leave the person I
              created on his own to Me alone, him to whom I have given
              great wealth, and sons who stay with him, and whose way I
              have smoothed. Then he wants Me to add yet more!"  (Surat
              a l - M u d d a t h t h i r, 11-15), they chase after the offerings of this
              world with great passion and cupidity.
                  However, the fact is that no number of material items will
              bring a person the happiness he or she seeks. That is because

              the emptiness in the hearts of unbelievers which they seek to
              fill with material values actually stem from the fact that they
              lead their lives far distant from Allah. Allah has created hu-
              man beings in such a way that they can only find peace by re-
              membering Him. Someone who fails to remember Allah was-
              tes his or her life. Such people erroneously imagine that go-
              ods, property, rank or fame guarantee great happiness.

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