Page 27 - The Pains of the False World
P. 27
a s u re of Allah who will be saved both from the troubles of
this world and the eternal suffering in the Afterlife. In the
Qur'an, Allah gives those who demonstrate that morality the
news of a pleasing life in both this world and the next:
Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a beli-
ever, We will give them a good life and We will recom -
pense them according to the best of what they did. (Su -
rat an-Nahl, 97)
The great Islamic scholar Abdul-Qadir Gilani has also re-
minded people not to be led astray by the distractions of this
world but to work to gain our Lord's approval and the After-
life, and that in the event he has exhibited such moral values,
a person will find the most auspicious of everything in the
Let not your main endeavors be such simple things as eating,
drinking, dressing up and getting married. (That is because the
se are not ends in themselves, but means to achieve ends. Do not
confuse the means with the ends.) Where is the endeavor of the
heart and the secret? That is what one must know and find. Ha
ve no doubt but that this is nothing other than a desire for Allah.
This must be your labor and your most important concern. In
that event let your most sincere and serious endeavor be the Lord
and the things in His sight…
The Hereafter is the opposite of this world. The Creator is the op
posite of the people. Know how to turn from this world to the He
reafter, from people to the Creator…
Everything you abandon in this world you will find in a more