Page 26 - The Pains of the False World
P. 26


                  Only in the Hereafter will they realize the ultimate hol-
              lowness of the efforts they expended in this world. In return
              for their rejection of Allah in this world, they will encounter
              bitter suffering in the next. This is such a horrendous torment
              that they will happily give up all that was dear to them in this
              world to be freed from it: their families, their friends, the go-
              ods they were so deeply attached to and which they sought to
              add to by working day and night. Allah has revealed the situ-

              ation of the unbelievers in the Hereafter:
                  If every self that did wrong possessed everything on
                  Earth, it would offer it as a ransom. They will show re -
                  morse when they see the punishment. Everything will
                  be decided between them justly. They will not be wron -
                  ged. (Surah Yunus, 54)
                  If those who did wrong owned everything on Earth, and
                  the same again with it, they would offer it as a ransom to
                  save themselves from the evil of the punishment on the
                  Day of Resurrection. What confronts them from Allah
                  will be something they did not reckon with. (Surat az-Zu-
                  m a r, 47)

                  ... They can see each other. An evildoer will wish he co -
                  uld ransom himself from the punishment of that Day,
                  by means of his sons, or his wife or his brother or his fa -
                  mily who sheltered him or everyone else on Earth, if
                  that only meant that he could save himself. But no! It is
                  a Raging Blaze... (Surat al-Ma'arij, 11-15)
                  It is those who have faith and who live for the good ple-

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