Page 32 - The Pains of the False World
P. 32


                  Allah does not wrong people in any way; rather it is pe -
                  ople who wrong themselves. (Surah Yunus, 44)
                  In the same way that unbelievers who look for comfort
              and peace—to escape the stress and problems they suffer and
              to re s t o re their good spirits—fail to find what they seek in

              this world, they also suffer a loss in the Hereafter which can-
              not be revoked. As they turn from the path of Allah, the
              things such people seek are described in the Qur'an as ser-
              ving no other purpose than "increasing their ruin" in the Af-
                  We did not wrong them; rather they wronged themsel-
                  ves. The deities they called upon besides Allah did not
                  help them at all when Allah's command came upon
                  them. They did nothing but increase their ruin. (Surah
                  Hud, 101)
                  It must not be forgotten that in many verses of the Qur'an,

              Allah has revealed that He forgives people and accepts their
              repentance. A person may make many mistakes until finally
              becoming aware of these truths. Yet the important thing is to
              understand that he or she is on the wrong path, repent and at-
              tempt to live by the moral values ordained by our Lord.  It is
              revealed in the Qur'an, in an address to his people by Prophet
              Salih (as), what they needed to do to attain the good pleasure
              of Allah:
                  To Thamud We sent their brother Salih. He said: "My
                  people, worship Allah! You have no deity apart from
                  Him. He brought you into being from the earth and ma -
                  de you its inhabitants. So ask His forgiveness and then

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