Page 73 - The Pains of the False World
P. 73

                                      THE HEREAFTER

                  they will have fruit of every kind and forgiveness from
                  their Lord. Is that like those who will be in the Fire time -
                  lessly, for ever, with boiling water to drink which lacera -
                  tes their bowels? (Surah Muhammad, 15)
                  Imam Ghazali has invited people to think rationally on
              this matter by considering in his commentaries the sharp dif-
              ferences, as regards to pains and blessings, between Paradise

              and Hell:
                 Know that there is another home (And that is Paradise) in cont
                 rast to sorrow and sadness (i.e. flame), the abode of Hell you
                 know. Consider the blessings and joys it will impart. That is be
                 cause he who is far removed from one of these will definitely find
                 a decision in the other. Think long and hard about the terrors of
                 Hell and fix them in your heart. Also think long and hard about
                 the eternal blessings promised to the people of Paradise and fix a
                 hope in your heart. Drive earthly desires with the whip of fear
                 and bring them to the true path by means of hope. In this way
                 you will attain a great existence and be saved from a painful tor
                 ment. Consider the people of Paradise, on whose faces is the be
                 auty of the blessings of Paradise.
                 Souls are permanent, thereby finding what they desire. In Para
                 dise they neither fear nor are downcast. They are free of the fear
                 of death.

                 Then consider the chambers of Paradise and the height and vari
                 ety of the degrees of Paradise. That is because the Hereafter is the
                 g reatest in terms of degree and in terms of virtue. In the same
                 way that in this world people are different in terms of external
                 religious observances and esoteric pleasing moral values, so the

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