Page 74 - The Pains of the False World
P. 74


                 re will be differences in the rewards and punishments people will
                 receive for their deeds in this world. If you wish to attain the hig
                 hest degrees in Paradise then try to ensure none exceed you in
                 worship of and obedience to Allah." (Imam Ghazali, Kalplerin
                 Kesfi [The Discovery of Hearts], pp. 534, 535, 539)
                  As we have seen, a person has two alternatives for the Af-
              terlife: He or she will choose either Hell, with nothing but
              eternal and indescribable suffering, or Paradise, with the gre-

              atest happiness and beauty. All rational people will of course
              choose Paradise, "a place full of happiness and infinite bles-
              sings." That is because nobody wishes to spend all eternity
              without the possibility of salvation except by the will of
              Allah, in a place devoid of all physical and spiritual beauty, in
              a state of constant suffering, sorrow and re g ret. Any normal
              individual will prefer to live in happiness for all eternity with
              those he or she loves, in a place consisting solely of blessings
              and happiness, and where no diff i c u l t y, trouble, evil or im-
              perfection is created.
                  The Hereafter is an absolute reality revealed by our Lord.
              In order to be saved from terrible suffering in the Here a f t e r
              and to attain a happy and pro s p e rous end, people need to
              a p p rehend this truth. They must spend the time allotted to

              them in the life of this world in doing good deeds to gain the
              approval of Allah and trying to attain the moral values belo-
              ved of Him.
                  Let us also note that nobody must rest content with what
              he or she has already performed. Nobody can be certain that
              his or her past deeds will be sufficient for salvation. From that

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