Page 103 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 103

n this book, we drew your attention to some facts, which are of-
                    ten left unthought due to mundane realities and everyday prob-
                    lems. These are the most crucial facts for a man in this life. Now,
            let's review what these facts are:
                 The existence of Allah, the Creator of everything,
                 That no process called evolution occurred on earth, that everything
            is concrete evidence of the glorious creation of Allah,
                 That some people can ignore even the miraculous fly, beating its
            wings 500 times a second,
                 That various foods and other beauties are all favours of Allah,
                 That 3-5 decades pass in what can seem like 3-5 seconds,
                 That after this fleeting life every soul will face the fact of death,
                 That every soul will be resurrected after death and stand before its
            Creator for judgement,
                 That after this judgement each soul will either end up in paradise or
                 That adherence to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas),
            is essential to attain paradise and certainly one has to conduct oneself as
            Allah commands.
                 No doubt, one has to ponder deeply each one of these facts. A man
            who is unaware of these facts or who does not pay due consideration
            surely risks suffering a great loss, and deep regret. Someone, however,
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