Page 104 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 104

102                    NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              taking such a risk, should consider the following:
                   The facts discussed in the last chapters of this work render all ambi-
              tions and profound attachment to this life meaningless. That is simply be-
              cause, he is face to face with an EXTRAORDINARY reality; that the world
              in which he lives, all assets he possesses and people he loves or hates,
              have no material correlates, because each one of them are illusions Allah
              constantly creates.
                   Under these circumstances, is it reasonable for some people to be de-
              ceived by these illusions and waste their lives, which Allah granted them
              as an opportunity to attain paradise, in the cause of vain pursuits?
                   The answer is surely "No".
                   Someone who is aware of the existence of Allah and hence praises his
              Creator, never conducts himself in such a manner. Only disbelievers have
              the imprudence to conduct themselves in such a manner. Allah relates the
              end of those who spend their whole lives chasing vain pursuits and who
              forget our Creator:
                   But the actions of those who are unbelievers are like a mirage in the
                   desert. A thirsty man thinks it is water but when he reaches it, he finds it
                   to be nothing at all, but he finds Allah there. He will pay him his account
                   in full. Allah is swift at reckoning. (Surat an-Nur: 39)
                   Don't be deceived by assuming that this world, which is only an "il-
              lusion"Allah shows to you, has any absolute existence. Hasten to attain
              paradise, where Allah will present all His favours bountifully for all eter-
              nity and you should Never Plead Ignorance because then you will face
              eternal loss.

                They said "Glory be to You! We have no
               knowledge except what You have taught

                  us. You are the All-Knowing, the All-
                        Wise." (Surat al-Baqarah: 32)
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