Page 30 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 30

28                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              they employ, and all other details pertaining to them.
                   Let's also consider animals; let's think about giraffes, antelopes, ele-
              phants, chickens, all types of fish, sparrows, peacocks, ostriches, rabbits,
              butterflies, and various insects. Let's think about their mechanisms, their
              habitats, and the way they hunt or reproduce.
                   Even such brief reflection would make us realise the variety of living
              beings on the earth on which we live.
                   There are 200 thousand butterfly species on earth. Furthermore, nat-
              uralists have found that these species embody 1 million types of butter-
              flies, all having highly complex and remarkable individual systems which
              employ amazing camouflage techniques. Some, for instance, imitate a leaf
              to protect themselves from their enemies. Others, on the other hand, have
              eye-shaped patterns on their wings for the same purpose.
                   Consider the variety of these remarkable designs, and never
              PLEAD IGNORANCE of the fact that millions of living-beings, each so
              unique in their design, could not have evolved from each other.
                   A person who makes a conscious effort to understand the miraculous
              attributes of living beings would easily find the answer to the question
              "how did these beings emerge?" Allah furnishes all living beings with ex-
              traordinary features and shows men the evident signs of His existence
              and might.
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