Page 35 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 35

HARUN YAHYA                           33

                                                Nautilus can dive to 4,000 metres. 7
                                                     It is actually not man who in-
                                                vented cooling systems. Every
                                                warm-blooded living being pos-
                                                sesses various mechanisms for
                                                temperature control. The gazelle, a
                                                fast running African animal, must
                                                often sprint to protect itself against
                                                its enemies. Such effort raises the
                                                body temperature. However, to
                                                survive, it is essential that the
                                                gazelle should keep its brain cool.
                                                     For this purpose, the gazelle
            Nautilus, an interesting marine animal.   has its own cooling system built
                                                right into its head. Gazelles have
            hundreds of small arteries that divide and pass through a large pool of
            blood lying next to its breathing passages. Air taken in by the animal cools
            this nasal pool, so the blood passing through the tiny arteries in it is
            cooled, too. Then, the tiny arteries come together in a single blood vessel
            that carries blood to the brain. In the absence of such a system, the gazelle
            simply could not survive. 8

                           cooled arterial blood

                                cooled venous

                warm arterial blood  evaporation
               (Left) The shematic picture of the skeletal structure of gazelle. (Right) A
               gazelle prepared to escape its enemy.
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