Page 38 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 38

appear to be breathing. In effect, it
                                                      is doing what a hedgehog
                                                       does when winter approach-
                                                        es. It is hibernating. The
                                                        hummingbird, however,
                                                         has to hibernate 365 times
                                                            every year. 14
                                                                 These are only a
              A Hummingbird.                                few examples of the di-
                                                           vergence of living be-
                                                           ings. However, these ex-
              amples are enough to reveal the design inherent in them. It is unlikely that
              these elaborate systems could have occurred by chance. Coincidences
              have no consciousness; they can devise no plans. All these living beings
              are surely the product of conscious design. This flawless design is only
              one of the signs showing that all living beings are created. Allah, the
              Sustainer of all the worlds, granted these attributes to them. A subtle art
              and wisdom are displayed in His creation.
                   So, NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE of the fact that these miraculous
              systems are only products of the superior creation of Allah.

                   Take a plant and look at its leaves closely. Examine the arrangement
              of its leaves, and its colour and brightness. Just consider how leaves of the
              top branches of trees hundreds of metres above sea-level remain green all
              year round? Then, turn and look at birds flying in the sky. Take a feather
              and analyse it under a microscope. Such an analysis reveals that birds'
              feathers are made up of thousands of tiny tendrils attached to one anoth-
              er by hooks.
                   Analysis of various other living beings makes us arrive at the same
              conclusion: a detailed design is evident in all living beings. How did these
              feathers come into existence? Is it possible that these complex designs can
              be attributed to blind chance and coincidences?
                   Let's provide the answers to these questions by asking other ques-
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