Page 41 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 41

HARUN YAHYA                           39

            the temperature of the surface of
            the earth should be relatively con-
            stant. This constancy is closely re-
            lated to the regularity of the orbit
            that the earth follows around the
            sun, the size of the sun, the veloc-
            ity of rotation of the earth and the
            inclination of the earth's axis.
                 There are various other bal-
            ances that enable earth to support
                 The current power of the
            gravitational force exhibits a deli-
            cate balance. A slight increase in
            the gravitational force, would
            mean more ammonia and
            methane in the atmosphere,
            which would be detrimental to
            life. In the contrary situation,
            however, the atmosphere would
            fail to hold water, changing the
            world into an uninhabitable
                 The thickness of the earth's
            crust and the ozone layer, the wa-
            ter and nitrogen cycles on earth,
            the existence of mountains, the
            protective nature of the atmos-
            pheric layers are essential for the
            continuance of life.

              The only planet supporting life in the
                solar system is the Earth. A section
              from the planet Mars (above). A com-
             parison between other planets and the
            earth would make man feel the astonis-
                hing design inherent in this planet.
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