Page 40 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 40

38                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

                   Our world is perfectly orderly. Countless billions of systems function
              simultaneously yet in total harmony. There is an incredible equilibrium
              within this gigantic network of systems, which reveals that life on earth,
              which rests on a delicate system of balances, is specially designed. A com-
              parison between other planets in the solar system and the earth would
              show this fact better. The earth is the only planet in the solar system which
              supports life.
                   The delicate balances inherent in the planet make this possible. The
              velocity of the earth's rotation about its axis is one of them. These delicate
              balances make the earth a habitable place. For instance, the atmosphere of
              the earth consists of gases in ideal proportions for the survival of man as
              well as all other living beings (77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% carbon
              dioxide and other gases). Let's take one of these gases, oxygen, for in-
              stance. If the ratio of oxygen to the other gases were a little higher than
              21%, the cells of living beings would be severely damaged. Moreover, the
              molecules of hydro-carbons and thus plants would also have no chance of
                   If the proportion of oxygen to other gases were a little less, than
              breathing would be torture. Furthermore, the transformation of nutri-
              ments into energy would become impossible. Similarly, if the proportion
              of carbon dioxide in the air were greater, it would pose a threat to
              mankind since the atmosphere would keep more heat, increasing the
              overall temperature of the earth. A slight decrease in the amount of car-
              bon dioxide, on the other hand, would cause great temperature differ-
              ences between day and night, with the temperature falling below zero at
              nights. The proportion of nitrogen in the air is so delicate that oxygen, a
              flammable gas, acquires a vital importance for living beings.
                   The constant nature of atmospheric gases is another important factor
              for life. Plants produce around 200 billion tons of oxygen a year by trans-
              forming the carbon dioxide in the air into oxygen.
                   The mass of the earth, too, is ideal, and prevents the atmosphere
              drifting out into space.
                   With regard to these balances in the atmosphere, it is essential that
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