Page 46 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 46

of the Fact That You Won't Stay
                                              Long in This World

                      verything that appears to be beautiful and appealing in this
                      world decays or ages one day. The end of man is similar, and
              there is by no means salvation from it. From birth, everyone goes through
              a steady process of ageing, ultimately ending up in death. Everyone
              knows this obvious fact, yet some people can't help but drift with the dai-
              ly flow of events. They attach more importance to worldly tasks than they
              actually deserve.
                   However one fact renders this attachment meaningless: that life in
              this world has an end. It is the life in the hereafter that has no end.
              Chasing after benefits that one day will lose their significance is absolute-
              ly not wise. Pleading ignorance of this fact and orienting all one's efforts
              towards worldly objectives may lead man to an irrecoverable regret. So,
              avoid this never-ending regret. Never plead ignorance of the OBVIOUS
              fact that your life in this world will end one day.
                   Some people who are heavily occupied with mundane tasks and for-
              get death ignore the supremely important fact: life in this world is rather
              short. Visualise the things you possess and attach importance to in this
              life; they will shortly decay and finally disappear. People you love will die
              one after another. Furniture will be broken, buildings will collapse,
              clothes will wear out… and everything you possess will rapidly deterio-
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