Page 47 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 47

HARUN YAHYA                           45

                 When you reflect on your past days, you realise with surprise that
            nothing properly satisfied you because time passed very quickly. Until
            this moment, it may well be that you have been unaware of this reality;
            yet now that you have grasped it, you must base your reasoning on more
            realistic grounds and reorient all your deeds and the conduct of your
            lives. Properly, you should try to earn the good pleasure of Allah, the
            Bestower of all favours in this world and the next. That is because, those
            who consume their lives irresponsibly will be greatly astonished in the
            Hereafter. When they will rise from the dead and stand before Allah, they
            will realise that they only stayed for a short time in this world. Allah ex-
            plains this fact in the Qur'an in the following verse:
                 He will say: "What many years did you tarry on the earth?" They will say:
                 "We tarried there for a day or part of a day. Ask those able to count!" He
                 will say, "You only tarried there for a little while if you did but know!"
                 (Surat al-Muminun: 112-114)
                 That is why you must never plead ignorance of the fact that this
            life is short and must never attach yourself to such short-lived values.
            Remember that everything is given to man to make him desire paradise
            and prepare for the hereafter, man's true abode.

       Know that the life of this world is merely a game and a diversion and os-
       tentation and a cause of boasting among yourselves and trying to outdo
       one another in wealth and children: like the plant-growth after rain which
       delights the cultivators, but then it withers and you see it turning yellow,
       and then it becomes broken stubble. In the Hereafter there is terrible pun-
       ishment but also forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. The life of
       this world is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion. (Surat al-Hadid: 20)
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