Page 51 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 51

HARUN YAHYA                           49

                 As one grows older, physical and spiritual characteristics pertaining
            to childhood become more obvious. Elderly people fail to do many tasks
            requiring physical strength. It is possible that man could remain young
            until he dies. Yet Allah reminds man about the temporary nature of this
            world by making the quality of his life deteriorate at certain phases of life.
            Comprehending these facts, man avoids displaying a deep attachment to
            this life.
                 You also must never plead ignorance about the fact that one day
            you will also grow old and lose most of your physical and mental skills.
            So, while you are still endowed with these skills, start getting prepared
            for the hereafter.

                 The world is anything but serene and still. We are all vulnerable to
            natural threats, both internal and external. Meteor showers, asteroids are
            only a few of the factors likely to pose threats to the world from space. As
            for the solid earth, the planet's interior has an inner core of molten ele-
            ments. It surely would not be an exaggeration to call this part of the earth,
            which remains invisible to our eyes, "a flaming core". There also exists an
            atmosphere surrounding the earth, which is a "shield" against external
            threats. Yet, no part of the earth is immune from the effects of atmospher-
            ic forces like thunderstorms, storms, or hurricanes.
                 Natural hazards may strike at any time. Though rarely, they cause
            considerable loss of life and property damage. Generally referred to as
            "natural disasters", earthquakes, lightning, flash floods, global wildfires,
            acid rain, and tidal waves have different intensities and effects. What is
            common to all these disasters is the fact that in just moments they can re-
            duce a city, with all its inhabitants, to ruin. What is most important, no hu-
            man being has the power to combat or prevent any of these hazards.
                 Despite being aware of this fact and frequently coming across with
            such incidents, some people pretend not to understand these issues. Each
            disaster is a reminder that developing an attachment for this life is a vain
            effort. These are surely warnings to those that can contemplate the signif-
            icance of such events and draw lessons from them:
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