Page 55 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 55

HARUN YAHYA                           53

                 When they saw it as a storm cloud advancing on their valleys they said,
                 "This is a storm cloud which will give us rain." No, rather it is what you
                 desired to hasten – a wind containing painful punishment, destroying
                 everything at its Lord's command! When morning came you could see
                 nothing but their dwellings. That is how We repay the people of the evil-
                 doers. (Surat al-Ahqaf: 24-25)
                 Do not repeat the mistake of these people. Never plead ignorance of
            the fact that you should draw lessons from the experience of the preced-
            ing generations that did not take admonition from the warnings of Allah.
            As stated in the verse "as to the Thamud, We guided them, but they pre-
            ferred blindness to guidance.…." (Surah Fussilat: 17), do not prefer
            blindness and disregard that you should take admonition from all events
            our Lord makes you live through:
                 How many wrongdoing cities We destroyed, and now all their roofs and
                 walls are fallen in; how many abandoned wells and stuccoed palaces!
                 (Surat al-Hajj: 45)
                 Have they not travelled about the earth and do they not have hearts to un-
                 derstand with or ears to hear with? It is not their eyes which are blind but
                 the hearts in their breasts which are blind. (Surat al-Hajj: 46)
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