Page 57 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 57

HARUN YAHYA                           55

                  Never abandon yourself to this heedlessness, which seizes many
            people, and never plead ignorance of the fact that death is but a mo-
            mentary transition and that it is very close to every soul.

                 People assume they can take precautions against death. This is how-
            ever a senseless conviction. No matter where the person is, by whom he
            is surrounded, or under which circumstances he leads his life, it is un-
            likely that he could avoid death. Allah draws our attention to this fact in
            the following verses:
                 Say: "Death from which you are fleeing, will certainly catch up with you.
                 Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible
                 and He will inform you about what you did." (Surat al-Jumu'ah: 8)
                 Whereever you are, death will catch up with you, even if you are in im-
                 pregnable fortresses. If a good thing happens to them, they say, "This has
                 come from Allah." But if a bad thing happens to them, they say, "This has
                 come from you." Say, "Everything has come from Allah." What is the mat-
                 ter with these people that they scarcely understand a single word? (Surat
                 an-Nisa: 78)
                 Every self will taste death. We test you with both good and evil as a trial.
                 And you will be returned to Us. (Surat al-Anbiya: 35)
                  Everyday we hear of the death of someone or we lose one of our
            close relatives. These incidents are surely OBVIOUS evidence that no one

            can avoid death. Whether young or old, well-off or poor, every one faces
            death on a predestined day. This makes one realise that one should not at-
            tach to this world and prepare for the life after death.
                  Never plead ignorance of the fact that a person merely deceives
            himself by assuming that death is far from him. And being aware of
            this fact, spend your life in earning the good pleasure of Allah.

                 Avoiding the thought of death does not change the fact that one will
            die one day. A sudden traffic accident or a clot on the brain may well be
            the unexpected end of a young and healthy person. Nobody can claim
            that he will not die falling down steps or on the way to a business meet-
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