Page 59 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 59

HARUN YAHYA                           57

                 As stated in the verses above, death is not the beginning of an eter-
            nal sleep in one's grave. Death is the gate through which one passes to
            one's eternal abode after giving an account of one's deeds in this world.
            Death, which is merely the moment one leaves the body and all attach-
            ments to this life, is by no means the end of everything. On the contrary,
            it is the beginning of real life.
                 Allah, in the Qur'an, which guides humanity to the true path, re-
            peatedly reminds us of the temporary nature of this world, of death, the
            existence of the life beyond and the need to prepare for it, summoning us
            to clarity of mind and consciousness. Likewise, all the messengers of
            Allah invited their peoples to the religion of truth, and only demanded of
            them that they reorient their hearts and their
            deeds for the sake of Allah. The moment of death
            is the beginning of a day when the deeds of all
            people will be reckoned. So, never plead igno-
            rance of the fact that death is the key to the gate
            of the eternal abode. Spend your life without for-
            getting the fact of death. Such a thought surely
            leads man to the right-acting way of life that will
            save one from eternal punishment.
                 All possessions one endeavours to attain in
            this life – money, respect and power – are only
            values of this world. Despite knowing that all
            these values will one day slip out of their hands,
            some people cannot help but develop deep attach-
            ment to these values. Though it is obvious that one
            day they will, in every case, leave these possessions
            in this world, they still pretend not to understand
            this and they endeavour to forget the fact of death.
                 In such a state of spirit, some people develop    Man's possessions in
            an ambitious attachment to this life. Throughout       this world do no good
                                                                 to him when he turns to
            history, all fir'awns and some of the prominent
                                                                   a heap of bones in his
            people    in   different   societies  assumed                       grave.
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