Page 60 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 60

58                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              that their possessions would make them immune to death. Furthermore,
              some famous queens were buried along with innumerable treasures, but
              that did not save their bodies from being reduced to skeletons.
                   However, a person who ponders on death will realise the futility of
              devotion to this life and start to live for his true abode, the hereafter.
              Never plead ignorance of the fact that the possessions of this life will
              remain behind in this world. Avoid the deep regret people will feel in
              the hereafter.

                   Think about a man who does not ponder on death all through his
              life, who does not take heed from the events Allah makes him experience,
              who does not respond to the call of Allah's messengers and accordingly
              who spends his life without believing Allah. A person who follows his
              vain desires will surely be seized abruptly by death. Regretful, he will de-
              mand another chance to return to life. However, there will be no return.
                   Never plead ignorance of the fact that those who avoid the thought
              of death will face a fearsome end. So, before that day, rearrange all your
              deeds, keeping in mind that nobody guarantees you eternal life on this
              earth, for it is a day on which no regret will save one from eternal grief.

                   Give from what We have provided for you before death comes to one of
                   you and he says, "My Lord, if only you would give me a little more time
                   so that I can give in charity and be among the righteous!" Allah will not
                   give anyone more time, once their time has come. Allah is aware of what
                   you do. (Surat al-Munafiqun: 10-11)
                   When death comes to one of them, he says: "My Lord, send me back again,
                   so that perhaps I may act rightly regarding the things I failed to do!" No
                   indeed! It is just words he utters. Before them there is an interspace until
                   the day they are raised up.  (Surat al-Muminun: 99-100)
                   There is no repentance for people who persist in doing evil until  death
                   comes to them and who then say, "Now I repent," nor for people who die
                   rejecting faith. We have prepared for them a painful punishment. (Surat
                   an-Nisa: 18)
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