Page 56 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 56

of the Fact that Death is

                         eath is an unavoidable end. Like all the other people who
                         lived in the past, the ones who will live in the future will also
                         die. Nobody, without exception, can escape it. That is why
              this is one of the issues human beings avoid thinking and talking about.
              Some people insistently avoid the thought that one day they will lose
              everything to which they are attached with desire, and they will stand be-
              fore Allah to give an account of the deeds they did in this life.
                   Since, so far, not a single soul has escaped death, how can these peo-
              ple behave so heedlessly? How can they lead their lives as if they will nev-
              er face death one day?
                   People often invent scenarios in their minds. They want to believe,
              for instance, that they will die in the later years of their lives and that
              hence they still have years ahead. Contrary to what they believe howev-
              er, they hear almost everyday news of young people who lose their lives.
              Hearses which they see on television, or which they come across on the
              streets or cemeteries they pass by every day remind them of death. Yet,
              they pretend not to understand the fact of death.
                   However, death is always on the watch for man. It is possible that
              anyone could breathe his last in the blink of an eye. Any time, he may face
              angels assigned to take his soul. From then on, he loses all his chances to
              save himself from an everlasting grievous punishment. Nothing surely
              compensates for a life spent in heedlessness.
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