Page 65 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 65

About The Voice of Your

                     uring the course of life, man is tested in his reactions to the inci-
                     dents he encounters and in his inner thoughts. During this trial
                     we encounter two alternatives: we either listen to the voice of
            our divine guide, our conscience, or we conform to the lowest form of our
            selves, which initially always lead to wrong. Allah draws attention to
            these two voices in the following verses:
                 And the self and what proportioned it and inspired it with depravity or
                 taqwa. (Surat ash-Shams: 7-8)
                 The unregenerate self, which is the lowest form of the human self
            (nafs) turns to rebellion, evil and disobedience of Allah's commands. It ac-
            tually obeys evil prompting man to disregard attaining the good pleasure
            of Allah and to be committed to his own desires. The evil  does this
            stealthily. If a person does not listen to the voice of his conscience, he will
            simply be deceived by evil whisperings of his self.
                 However, in every circumstance, the conscience never remains quiet
            until one breathes his last. Despite the stealthy inculcation of the evil, the
            conscience commands us to do virtuous and blessed deeds.
                 Surely this is a matchless system and a great favour Allah grants
            man. No matter which incident man encounters in life, no matter where
            he goes or what origin he has, he possesses a guide to the truth. Always
            keep in mind that you possess a guide to the truth. Never pretend that
            you don't understand this inner voice.
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