Page 70 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 70

68                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

                   So, don't pretend you don't grasp that the true values can only be
              displayed when people observe the limits of Allah. Otherwise, degen-
              eration prevails. If you also want to lead a beautiful life in this world,
              keep in mind that you have to turn to the religion of Allah.

                   The sincerity and honesty of a person are the basic indications of the
              character values with which he strives to earn the good pleasure of Allah.
              Man is responsible to nobody else but Allah. It is only Allah Who will
              judge man on the Day of Judgement. Therefore, it is not sensible to resort
              to lies and insincere behaviour under the guidance of selfish interests and
              motives. So, don't plead ignorance of the fact that you have no alterna-
              tive but to be sincere and honest in your conduct while Allah surrounds
              you and hears and sees whatever you do.

                   Another indication of good character is modesty. Arrogance and
              modesty can never remain together. It is obvious that an arrogant person
              can neither nurture love and mercy in his heart for others nor be gener-
              ous. A person, however, should be aware of the fact that he personally
              possesses nothing of which to be proud. If his arrogance is due to his pos-
              sessions, then he should know that the heavens, the earth and everything
              in between belong solely to Allah. Allah grants intelligence, good looks
              and skills to man and it is only a matter of a moment for Him to take them
              back. Furthermore, man is mortal. He will go alone into the presence of
              Allah, leaving everything granted him behind. Allah also states in the
              Qur'an that those who are arrogant in this world will be humbled before
                   This is surely the truth. Man has nothing to take pride in. No mat-

              ter how wealthy, beautiful, famous or respected you are, don't pretend
              you don't grasp this fact! What will make a man fortunate is the good
              character with which he strives to attain the good pleasure of Allah, and
              his submission to Him.

                   Allah gives a detailed account of virtuous, blessed behaviour and at-
              titudes in the Qur'an. Below, the typical attributes of an individual who is
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