Page 72 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 72

of the Fact that Disbelief is the

                                    Source of All Wickedness

                     hose who have faith in the existence of Allah proceed on His path
                     all through their lives. They meticulously obey His commands and
                     spend their lives in the way of Allah. For this end, believers adopt
              Islam, the religion Allah perfected for man, and adhere to the Qur'an as a
              guide to the true path, taking the high manners of our Prophet (saas) re-
              counted in the Qur'an as an example for themselves. Trying to follow the
              noble examples related in the Qur'an, their conscience leads them to strive
              with good character at every moment of their lives.
                   Those who insist on denying the existence of Allah, or who simply
              reject surrendering themselves to Allah and practising His  religion  fail to
              attain the standard of the religion of Allah since they never grasp the
              beauties and good aspects of the values encouraged by the Qur'an. That
              is why a community of disbelievers consists of people who live properly
              and decently not for the good pleasure of Allah but for the approval of
              other people, and others who dare to live immorally without considering
              its consequences.
                   Telling lies, taking bribes, murder, suicide, gambling, violating the
              rights of others or committing injustices are the misdeeds readily com-
              mitted by people having no fear of Allah. They do them either openly or
              by legal subterfuges. They cannot keep their rage under control, are in-
              herently jealous and ambitious and easily hurt others by the way they
              speak. They are not self-sacrificing and are dominated by selfish desires
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