Page 73 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 73

HARUN YAHYA                           71

            and petty interests. There may be some people saying "I am not religious
            yet I do not have hatred for people either". Yet, it is probable that one day
            such people will encounter an incident that will enrage them. At such a
            moment, they may well engage in any kind of wickedness that they
            would normally never dare. After killing somebody, for instance, it is
            most probable that they would say, "but he deserved it". This is a conse-
            quence one would never expect from someone who feels fear for Allah.
            That is because a person who has faith in Allah is known for his patience
            and that he would never dare to do something Allah prohibits. Hence, he
            would never knowingly give in to his anger.
                 It is, on the other hand, possible that a disbeliever would say, "I have
            no faith yet I would never take a bribe". However such a statement re-
            mains only a claim since he is able to do any misdeed when he feels un-
            der pressure. People often try to find legitimate pretexts to justify a bribe
            saying, for instance, that they need money to get the kids through school.
            Yet, it is unlikely that you would expect such an approach from a believ-
            er. A person having fear of Allah never engages in deeds he knows will be
            judged severely on the Day of Judgement.
                 Some common crimes provide good examples of such insincere atti-
            tudes. Theft, for instance, as an established offence, may well be regarded
            as legitimate by these people under certain circumstances. Towels, glass-
            es, cutlery taken from hotels are not considered theft by this mentality.
            When viewed from the point of the values of religion, however, under all
            circumstances theft is immoral.
                 All these are actually the common attributes of people who do not
            have fear of Allah. Hundreds of examples can be given to depict this char-
            acter. Never showing commitment to attain excellent character, these peo-
            ple make a sacrifice only when they feel they have a serious interest in it.
            As soon as they find this interest to be at stake, however, they cease to
            make sacrifices. A believer however has a strong determination. The fear
            of Allah ensures this determination. This fear is also the warranty of the
            security religion provides for the society.
                 Love, mercy, respect, loyalty together with other values the family
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