Page 77 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 77

About the Existence of the Hereafter

                                and the Day of Judgement

                     here are various types of people on earth. Some people are hon-
                     est while others are liars. Some people fear Allah and observe
                     His limits while others revolt against Him. Surely the ends of
            each group will match their attitudes. Out of His infinite mercy, Allah will
            reward each type of people justly. This absolute promise is proclaimed in
            the following verse:
                 Or do those who perpetrate evil deeds suppose that We will make them
                 like those who believe and do right actions, so that their lives and deaths
                 will be the same? How bad their judgement is! Allah created the heavens
                 and earth with truth so that every self might be repaid for what it earned
                 and they will not be wronged. (Surat al-Jathiyah: 21-22)
                 The hereafter is the place where people will be rewarded justly. This
            is an OBVIOUS fact. Allah is aware of every incident and knows every
            deed, good or wicked. So, never plead ignorance about the existence of
            the Hereafter, the place where Allah's attribute of justice will be fully
            manifested and each deed will be rewarded justly. Besides, keep in
            mind that showing indifference to this fact, and simply saying "we shall
            be reduced to earth when we die", will not hinder the resurrection of man
            and the fact that he will be judged.
                    It is probable that a person may well deceive himself in this
            world. Avoiding grasping the fact of the hereafter, he may endeavour to
            "make the most of it." He may well silence the voice of his conscience. Yet,
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