Page 75 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 75

HARUN YAHYA                           73

            thinks he will be well paid. In brief, some of these people bear sacrifices
            only when a solid benefit is assured.
                 As we have seen, there is no end to social problems and immoral at-
            titudes where disbelief rages. So, never plead ignorance of the fact that
            you need to submit yourself to the religion of Allah and that only then
            can you attain peace and security. Besides that, keep in mind that only
            a life devoted to Allah will secure a life for all eternity.

                 Immorality, a consequence of disbelief, is primarily a detriment to
            health and the main source of trouble for the heart. A person, for instance,
            who makes the life of others unbearable due to his jealousy in fact lives a
            life that is troublesome to himself. The rage he feels is the main cause of
            his trouble. Mostly, other people do not realise the feelings jealous people
            harbour or simply do not care about them. After all, the jealousy others
            feel does not affect them. Consequently jealousy only negatively affects
            the person himself. Allah draws our attention to the trouble disbelievers
            suffer in the following verse:
                 When Allah desires to guide someone, He expands his breast to Islam.
                 When He desires to misguide someone, He makes his breast narrow and
                 constricted as if he were climbing up into the sky. That is how  Allah de-
                 files those who do not believe. (Surat Al-An'am: 125)
                 People of the religion feel pleased at the good deeds of other believ-
            ers. They derive pleasure from one another's good qualities. The beauty of
            a person reminds a believer of the power of creation of Allah. It is also a
            way in which he glorifies Allah. In an environment where disbelief dom-
            inates, however, the way people hurt each other – gossiping or giving
            contemptuous nicknames to people – creates tension. This tension is sure-
            ly a consequence of their jealousy of each other. Therefore, those who be-
            have immorally suffer great trouble themselves for the impatient, unbal-
            anced qualities of character they display. In other words, these people
            give torment to themselves. In a verse Allah says:
                 Allah does not wrong people in any way; rather it is people who wrong
                 themselves. (Surah Yunus: 44)
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