Page 74 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 74

72                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              ensures also disappear in such a society. The only ones who show mercy
              and loyalty without price are the believers who fear Allah and believe in
              their individual accountability for actions.
                   A family laying its foundations on mercy, love and sacrifice together
              with the other values the Qur'an brings is essential to the welfare and
              peace of a society. In societies where life is not regulated by revealed val-
              ues, the society degenerates, since the family, a key unit of the society, de-
                   Only fear of Allah and faith secure peaceful societies and they are the
              simple consequences of adherence to the Qur'an. These are OBVIOUS
                   In societies where disbelief prevails, social anarchy reigns. The
              wealthy oppress the poor, the poor feel hatred for the wealthy, bosses as-
              sume an aggressive attitude towards employees and vice-versa. Instead
              of mercy, those who are in need are shown anger.
                   News items of murder or suicide frequently appearing in the press
              have only one reason: disbelief. Surely a person killing a man only be-
              cause he feels hatred for him or he derives a benefit from his death does
              not think that he will be judged for it. These offences readily committed
              by people having no fear of Allah are the type of behaviours disturbing
              the order and peace of society.
                   In such a society one does not expect to find concepts like co-opera-
              tion or generosity. People do not care for each other. Similarly, the health
              and well-being of others never become a matter of concern. Precautions
              are not taken to remove anything likely to give harm to people and the so-
              ciety as a whole. Nobody cares about somebody becoming sick and faint-
              ing in the middle of the street, for instance. Such a person is left all alone
              to handle such a serious problem. Trying to derive maximum benefits,
              they do not hesitate to defraud each other. A market owner sells rotten
              food without considering the health risks to which it exposes public.
              Alternatively, sellers overcharge their customers. There is no end to these
              examples. In such a system all services rendered are bound to the price
              paid for them. A doctor shows the care due to his patient only when he
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