Page 76 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 76

74                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

                   Aperson having fear for Allah often shows patience no matter what
              he encounters in life. Difficulties neither demoralise nor discourage him.
              Trusting Allah, he confronts every incident with determination and
              courage. By trusting Allah and with the state of spirit the religion grants
              man, he assesses incidents wisely. Disbelievers, however, always incur
              trouble and superstitious fears leading them to a hellish life. Neither soci-
              eties nor individuals attain a condition of heart that finds the satisfaction
              the verse which follows indicates: "… Only in the remembrance of Allah
              can the heart find peace." (Surat al-Ra'd: 28)
                   So, ponder on the fact that disbelief eradicates all human and
              beautiful feelings and never plead ignorance of the fact that those who
              do not submit themselves to the will of Allah live in trouble and regret
              both in this world and beyond.
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