Page 68 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 68

of the Fact that Allah Commands

                   Man to Conduct Himself Correctly

                       he nature of man is inherently inclined to practise the values of
                       character praised in the Book. Allah revealed the Qur'an, the
                       unique source explaining the values most conforming with the
              natural inclination of mankind. A man attains true bliss, satisfaction and
              peace only when he displays complete obedience to the commands of
              Allah, openly as well as secretly, with wholesome eagerness. Allah relates
              this in the following verse:
                   So set your face firmly towards the religion, as a pure natural believer,
                   Allah's natural believer, Allah's natural pattern on which He made
                   mankind. There is no changing Allah's creation. That is the true religion
                   – but most people do not know it – turning towards him... (Surat ar-Rum:
                   Those who do not observe Allah's limits  and ignore the Qur'anic val-
              ues incur unthinkable trouble in their lifetime. That is simply because, in
              a society where the bounties of Allah are abused, the criteria upon which
              one determines the right and wrong alter from one person to another.
              Hence, millions of different criteria ceaselessly clash with each other. By
              statements starting with "In my opinion…", every individual endeavours
              to impose his own convictions on others. He orients the conduct of his
              daily life to gaining personal interests. However, in the Qur'an, man is
              summoned to a single truth, to the path of Allah.
                   It is not devoutness to turn your faces to the East or to the West. Rather
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