Page 50 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 50

48                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              such an ordinary accident. Or, while eating supper, one may choke to
              death on a fish-bone. One who ponders over these facts surely displays no
              futile devotion to this world. Therefore, as a man of understanding, you
              never plead ignorance that Allah creates your body inherently weak to
              remind you that this world is temporary. Draw lessons from these inci-
              dents and situations which serve as admonitions and warnings and put
              all your efforts not to lose an eternal life of bliss and ease.
                   Ageing is one of the issues people avoid to think. However, it is the
              unavoidable end for every person. The destructive effects of the passage
              of years on body are irrecoverable. Whether rich or poor, beautiful or ug-
              ly, one ages in the rapid flow of time….The effects of years become obvi-
              ous firstly on face. Initially wrinkles around eyes and mouth appear and
              the colour of the skin becomes dull. The state of the skin of hands and
              neck almost manifest the old age. Bones become weaker and man starts to
              suffer from impaired thinking. These are the unavoidable consequences
              of ageing and man can never stop this process, though he shuns thinking
              about it:
                   Allah created you and then will take you back again. And some of you re-
                   vert to the lowest form of life so that after having knowledge, you know
                   nothing at all. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Powerful. (Surat an-Nahl: 70)

                                                          Never plead ignorance of the
                                                          fact that, sooner or later, you
                                                          will age one day and lose yo-
                                                          ur physical strength like the-
                                                          se people shown in the pictu-
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