Page 85 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 85

of the Fact that the Hell

                                         is a Place of Torment

                    ome people avoid thinking about the hell although they are
                    aware of the existence of the hereafter. Pondering the bitter grief
                    of the hell surely ensures a life devoted to Allah. This in turn
            urges one to reorient all one's deeds and the conduct of one's life in sub-
            mission to the will of Allah. Otherwise, one will feel profound remorse. In
            the attempt to liberate themselves from this remorse, people ignore the
            existence of the hell. They attempt to alleviate the seriousness of the mat-
            ter by statements like, "I don't think one would go to hell" or "I do not be-
            lieve that Allah would punish His servants so severely." These are surely
            lies. Furthermore, they attempt to base these lies on the mercy of Allah.
            The fact is that, these people only plead ignorance about it.
                 Hell is the place where Allah's attribute of justice is fully manifest.
            Surely the rewards of those who live to earn the good pleasure of Allah all
            through their lives will not be the same as of those who obey evil and re-
            volt against Allah. Allah will reward His true servants with the paradise
            where they will remain for all eternity. On the other hand, disbelievers
            will be punished in hell, a place of unbearable torment.
                 Allah is surely compassionate; yet pondering only His mercy and
            forgiveness would make one fail to recognise His other attributes. One
            should also be cognisant of the Creator's other attributes: Allah takes re-
            venge from His rebellious servants and He punishes. The hell is the place
            where Allah will manifest these two attributes. In other words, even if
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